
VV Trends on Twitter During The Indonesian Presidential Elections

For Immediate Release:
PRESS RELEASE vickyvettetwitterindonesiahowbigitis

Norwegian Born Adult Star Vicky Vette Trends on Twitter During The Indonesian Presidential Elections
Adult Star Vicky Vette (http://www.twitter.com/vickyvette) became a trending topic in all of Indonesia on Monday after she tweeted hashtag support for Indonesian Presidential Candidate Joko WiDodo (known on twitter as #Jokowi), likely to win the national election tomorrow. Vette joined singers Sting and Jason Mzraz who also used twitter to tweet support for Jokowi. Vette is one of the most followed adult stars in the world with over 654,000 followers (far more than any Norwegian in the world – http://bit.ly/1qH2Jw0).
Jokowi is thought to be one of the more forward thinking pro democratic potential Presidential candidates (http://cnn.it/TQzsSz). His election could have a major impact on censorship and restrictions on the internet in that country.
Vette obtained mainstream superstar status in Indonesia as well as a story in Time Magazine (http://ti.me/qP5Oqx), after becoming only the third porn star to ever star in a motion picture released in that country (Pacu Hantar Periwan loosely translated as Virgin Ghost’s Girlfriend) – Tera Patrick & Sasha Grey being the others. She has made regular national headlines in Indonesia for among other things tweeting current President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono after he joined twitter (http://bit.ly/1ssnPgI), tweeting against the 2 year imprisonment given to a famous singer after a sex tape was released (http://bit.ly/1n40JIb) and her support for the national football team (http://bit.ly/1pX9KuF). Her tweets about subjects like the World Cup are even reported as ”news” (http://bit.ly/1ogLxZC).
Vette is quoted as saying: ”No one is more surprised I have so many fans in Indonesia than me. I am an adult star popular in a predominately Muslim country that blocks any adult material. It almost feels like Indonesia is my adopted country. The people of Indonesia have long had a military government that cracks down against freedom of speech, democracy and internet rights. If in my small way I can do something to support change, it’s a great use of twitter other than just to flash topless pictures. According to twitter, my profile gets about 2.5 million views every week. It’s good to do something positive with that twitter reach.”
Vicky Vette can be reached for comment at Vicky@Vickyathome.com

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