
Happy Birthday to me!

So I have traveled around the sun 47 times now!  No wonder I’m dizzy! lol…

Seriously though, what am I gonna do on my birthday? I’m gonna have sex that is sooooo good, even the neighbors are gonna have a cigarette!

Even though it’s my birthday I’m gonna give you a present too! Today only we have special birthday pricing, it’s only $19.65 (yes that’s the year I graced the earth with my presence) to join my site and the VNA and that price never changes as long as you stay a member! Just click on the birthday cake to join!

Click to join me on my birthday!

Let me leave you with these words of wisdom for the day:

Sex is not the answer. Sex is the question. Yes is the answer

Sex without love is an empty experience, but as empty experiences go, it’s one of the best

One response to “Happy Birthday to me!”

  1. MasterGio says:

    Happy b-day Vicky!! 🙂

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