
Naked Sundays

Have you ever been to Caliente on a Sunday? I went yesterday to hang out with my girlbud Lelu who is 7 months pregnant, I wanted to finally bring her a baby present, but she loves that place! She looks amazing btw don’t you think? So healthy! (look how big her boobs are getting too!) She is still shooting like crazy for her website LeluLove.com too! That’s my girl!

Anyway I was pleasantly surprised, you would think it would be quiet on a Sunday night, it was just perfect. The restaurant was busy but not crowded, the service was great and the food was excellent. Then we hung out in the hot tub for a bit and made some new friends. We ended up at the Kareoke bar with Lelu singing some country song about a woman who didn’t have what it takes to steal her man, lol…. I didn’t know Lelu has a great voice! (even though it was a country song, lol… )

It was really the ideal way to wind down a weekend. If you ever want to try out a nudist resort maybe a Sunday is a good day to try it. Not as insanely wild and busy as the other days and much cheaper too!

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